It is hard to believe that year one is done and year two has begun!
Year one was no easy feat! The days were long and hard, and it was a constant challenge to juggle my three kids’ school and extracurriculars with my own schooling, as well as working as an uncertified teacher on call, but I did it!! We all survived and, although the days were long, the year flew by!
I am sure this second year is going to be just as challenging, if not more challenging (with two long practicums, coursework, and final assignments), and go by just as fast! This time, however, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
With only T-minus eight months until graduation day, there is not only light at the end of the tunnel, but opportunity! As a certified teacher, I will have the opportunity to get my own classroom; to bid on a continuing contract; to say goodbye to student life and hello to solely working/professional life!
I am so, so, so looking forward to May 2022…to juggling one less thing and wearing one less hat! But, until then, I better buckle in and hold on tight because these next eight months are gonna be wild!!
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