Throughout my practicum, and in my lessons, I encouraged students to be patient and kind to themselves and others as they learned new concepts. My lessons and units were delivered via open, non-judgmental group discussions, posited on positive teacher/student and student/student relationships and connections.
Ideas and concepts were taught and learned experientially, through a mixture of explicit instruction, modelling, scaffolded support, practice, and student-doing. Student understanding was dependent upon their participation in, and attentiveness to, class and group discussions and to the assigned tasks (done in class, with support as needed). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) was utilized to account for student diversity and helped me meet a broad range of student needs (physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and intellectually).
This approach to learning was based on respect, responsibility, reciprocity, relevance, and reflexivity. This approach helped me foster amazing relationships with my students, my coaching teacher, and other staff members in the school. I was able to gain my students’ trust, confidence, and respect, and that of my coaching teacher and other staff members. Students shared with me aspects of their self, their family, their community, their pets, and their relationships to the world around them.
I was able join students on two fun-filled field trips to the local ski hill, toward the end of my practicum, where I enjoyed nature and connecting to land with my students and many of their families (siblings, parents, and even some grandparents (elders) on the traditional unceded territory of the Dakelh people.
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