What a bittersweet feeling to be done this summative practicum (and my entire teaching degree), but have to say goodbye to my students and the wonderful classroom that I have called ‘home’ for the past ten weeks!!
I will miss my students dearly and am so thankful for the time we had together. They helped me grow as an educator and I am proud to be leaving here a better teacher than when I arrived.
My students grew equally as much, and I hope they take pride in all of their efforts and achievements–just as I take pride in mine.
As I bid farewell, I thank my students, my coaching teacher, and the staff for such an amazing experience and for the kind and thoughtful parting gifts 🙂
And, moving forward–after two chaotic years of juggling kids, life, a full course load, and teaching-on-call–I am happy to announce that I have accepted an Early Literacy Teaching position starting Tuesday!!
As I embark on this new journey, I want to send a big shout out to everyone who has supported me – especially my amazing parents who stepped up BIG time to help with my three kiddos; all the teachers and educators who mentored me over the past four years (as an uncertified TTOC and teacher candidate); my friends who were there when I needed to unwind over a chat or an escape to the mountains; and my epic cohort of teacher candidates who have gone from being strangers to life-long friends
So much love to you all,
Ms. Hesselgrave
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