I am loving my new UNBC School of Education swag & super pumped to be done the first semester of UNBC’s Bachelor of Education Program
As I reflect on the past 4 months, I cannot deny that I am totally exhausted! But I have grown so much (as an educator and person). I have had absolutely amazing professors. I have been blessed to learn alongside seven other amazing women…strangers who have become friends; who lift each other up when they are buried in assignments, work, and life; who relate to one another when they feel like they are on the brink of insanity (I guess that’s what happens when you are trapped in a room together for nine evening hours each week, lol)!!
Hats off and pats on the back to us & to a well deserved 3 weeks off!!
See you all in the New Year…2022 is going to be EPIC!
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