Educators value the success of all students. Educators care for students and act in their best interests.
If you are interested in something near and dear to my heart, please take the time to read my “Visioning Project” which focuses on rural and remote schools in British Columbia. This paper showcases my passion for ensuring that ALL students have access to quality education–no matter where they live in our province. As educators, we must ensure the success of ALL students; this starts with access to fully funded and fully staffed schools!
Teacher-Student Connections are Crucial to Student Success
Knowing your students, and finding ways to build relationships and develop connections, is vital to student (and teacher) success!
As such, in preparing for practicums I always aim to plan lessons that will not only deliver on important Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies, and Curricular Content, but also on CONNECTIONS!
One example of this goal can be seen in the Career Education lessons I planned for my formative practicum. These lesson were intended to deliver on curriculum, while also getting to know the students I would be teaching and learning alongside for four weeks!
If you want to get to know your students better, feel free to borrow this mini unit I created, titled “Present Me to Future Me”: