During this practicum, my coaching teacher (CT) was pleased with my ability to adjust my lessons and tasks as needed, based on the feedback I received from her and the students directly (in our conversations/discussions, in thumbs up/down polls, in their exit ticket responses and in responses to assigned questions and practice problems) and indirectly (students’ ability to focus and engage with the instruction and successfully complete the assigned tasks). She was equally pleased with my ability to provide students with clear and concise feedback (verbally/formatively and written/summatively) that would guide their learning (taking them from where they were to where they needed to be) and with my ability to track and record evidence of student learning (pictured below).
My planned assessment efforts also enabled me to ensure students understood the criteria and knew what they were being assessed on prior to starting each task. Rubrics and proficiency scales were shared during explicit instruction so there were no assessment surprises. I also paid attention to student feedback and showed flexibility when students required longer than expected to complete learning tasks. Formative feedback was provided to students verbally during every lesson and in writing on preliminary/practice questions. Summative feedback was provided on summative, end-of-unit tasks.
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